I'm coming up on 35 in April, and I've got some good things on the horizon, but I think there are plenty left to be accomplished. I reserve the right to add, delete, edit, censor or chuck this list altogether. Would you expect anything else?
1. Travel to Europe Boom! Done, Dec 26, 2014 - Jan 4, 2015
2. Roast a turkey successfully
3. Run a 10:00/mile. Just one. :)
4. Read Ulysses (I faked my way through a test on it in undergrad. It's time to read it)
5. Can fruits and veggies for our own pantry
6. Run another marathon in another city
7. Start to learn Spanish
8. Learn to play a new instrument (piano? guitar? bass guitar?)
9. Censored
10. Brew my own beer
11. Learn to do a headstand
12. Finally take that vacation to the Bahamas
13. Run a trail half marathon Done! 8-22-2015, North Country Trail
14. See Paul McCartney in concert (on deck, October 17, 2015)
15. Redacted
16. See Troy, Jessica and the kids more than once a year. An annual goal, but managed it in 2015
17. Have a 30 day running streak November 27 - December 26, 2014
18. Uhh yeah... no
19. Try out for a local theater production
20. Run a sub-2:30 half marathon
21. Finally meet some of Mike's Navy friends that we haven't visited together
22.Create a living will/advance directive - encourage family members to do the same
23. Become a proficient and confident swimmer
24. Super Secret ;)
25. Vacation at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! April 2015!
So I only got to 25, even after letting this sit for a few weeks. I'll add more as I they come to me - hopefully not everything will be an athletic pursuit. I think 5 1/2 years is enough time to get most of this done. Really, I just need one AWESOME running year and I'll knock several out.
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Holiday Run Streak is in progress! |